Montessori method is not based-on ever-changing theories, but on
eternal-principles,” Mother Caspari told me. “That’s
the secret. These principles have-helped children everywhere, from
the-most affluent neighborhoods of New-York City to the poorest
areas of India.”
Here are some of the principles that Mother Caspari taught.
~There is a perfect window of opportunity for learning various skills
and concepts. By teaching a child at the optimal time, you make
the most of their natural development. In most schools, children
begin learning the alphabet at age six. With Montessori, they are
reading fluently before they enter the first grade.
the first six years of life, children have an absorbent mind. They
learn by absorbing all that they see and hear. Parents and teachers
must pay special attention to what a child is exposed to during
those years because what is absorbed before age seven can never
be erased. Keep your child away from the television set. Maria Montessori
used to say, “Six years is such a short time, give them to
your child.”
copy adults. Adults have to be careful of everything they do, everything
they say, everything they think. If they are not genuine, children
know it.
starts at conception. You can teach your children them by singing
and reading to them while they are still in the womb, and by playing
classical music.
must have order around them. Order gives children a sense of security
and helps them form their minds. They also need a very regular schedule.
Parents need to make room for the child’s schedule and not
expect the child to adapt to their schedule. A child who has an
orderly life with scheduled activities they like will not have discipline
child’s motto: Help me do things—all by myself.
and coordination of movement is very important. Proper movement
with correct rhythm helps children develop both sides of the brain.
love to do adult tasks like dusting when they are not forced.
is very important for adults to slow down around children, to move
more slowly, and to speak slowly and very distinctly.
need their father to take time with them and teach them. Fathers
provide a sense of protection and stability.
child is reachable and teachable. There are gallopers, average learners
and crawlers. The crawlers take their time and get there too.