The Madonna
of the Chair by Raphael, focus for Montessori classroom. In
the words of Mother Caspari, Maria Montessori wanted this painting
in every classroom. She explained that just as John leads to Jesus,
so the intellect leads us to our higher self.

Mother Caspari's
life and mission can be summarized by three themes: "Love is
the Key," "The Golden Thread" and "Help to Life."
These themes relate to the threefold flame in the heart. "Love
is the Key,"corresponds to the pink plume of divine love. "The
|Golden Thread" corresponds to the yellow plume of divine wisdom.
And "Help to Life" corresponds to the blue plume of divine
Divine power
is an expression of good will, which the dictionary defines as "friendly,
helpful, cooperative feelings or attitude." We can see that
good will also relates to the threefold flame in the heart and describes
both the personality and the work of Mother Caspari and Maria Montessori.
The values of friendliness, cooperation and helpfulness are what
these two lady masters dedicated their lives to instilling in children,
in adults and in Self, under the direct tutelage of Mother Mary.
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